Windows 10 – Business Users Beware

Following the let-down that was Windows 8, Microsoft is keen to impress – jumping right into Windows 10. Released on July 29th, Windows-based small businesses are clamoring to try out its impressive new features. Beware though, as being the first to dive in also...

Are Trolls Destroying Your Business?

Have you been the victim of a “troll”, someone who intentionally causes trouble by provoking arguments or leaving bad reviews to upset their target? It happens to people everyday online, whether it is on YouTube, Amazon, Facebook or Yelp, the trolls feed...

Are People Spying On You?

Ever go out in public and get the feeling like someone is looking over your shoulder while you are doing something private? You could be entering your PIN at the ATM, using your debit card at the market or sending a personal text, whatever the case is, you don’t...

Apple Watch – Jewel or Junk?

Many people have mixed feelings about any Apple product. They either swear by them or hate them. Enter the Apple Watch. The newest gadget from Apple looks to have been taken straight from a James Bond film. Some users hate the watch saying it is tough to see and open...