Articles About Technology, Security and Events

Why You Should Fear Being Offline

We rely on the internet so much in today’s world we almost take it for granted. Everywhere you go, there’s “Free Wi-Fi” offered at just about every restaurant and coffee shop. Our society has become so connected that we have trouble performing our day to day routine...

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Windows 10 – Business Users Beware

Following the let-down that was Windows 8, Microsoft is keen to impress – jumping right into Windows 10. Released on July 29th, Windows-based small businesses are clamoring to try out its impressive new features. Beware though, as being the first to dive in also...

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Are Trolls Destroying Your Business?

Have you been the victim of a "troll", someone who intentionally causes trouble by provoking arguments or leaving bad reviews to upset their target? It happens to people everyday online, whether it is on YouTube, Amazon, Facebook or Yelp, the trolls feed off of their...

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