Articles About Technology, Security and Events

Are People Spying On You?

Ever go out in public and get the feeling like someone is looking over your shoulder while you are doing something private? You could be entering your PIN at the ATM, using your debit card at the market or sending a personal text, whatever the case is, you don't need...

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Apple Watch – Jewel or Junk?

Many people have mixed feelings about any Apple product. They either swear by them or hate them. Enter the Apple Watch. The newest gadget from Apple looks to have been taken straight from a James Bond film. Some users hate the watch saying it is tough to see and open...

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Work Smarter, Not Harder…..Remotely!

When many people think of remote working, they imagine a person lounging on the couch in their pajamas with a laptop. Does this vision stir up images of productivity? We doubt it. That’s why it’s important to instill the proper habits of a work-from-home culture into...

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CryptoWall 3.0 – Still Destroying Data

The first variants of the CryptoLocker (and now CryptoWall) virus began to surface in September of 2013. Now, almost 2 years later, we are no closer to stopping this rampant threat. Almost everyone that uses a computer knows someone that has been affected by this...

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