Articles About Technology, Security and Events

IT support for law firms in RI

Fortunately there are many expert technicians that can carry out tune-up of your computer and improves its performance, ensure you are protected fully against spyware, viruses and other types of common malware and increase its speed. However, it can be quite confusing on what firm to use. The

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Payment Overdue – Please respond | Spam | Email Virus | Payroll Reports Threat

Spoofed email address. Don’t reply to unsolicited email and don’t open email attachments. It’s easy to fake a From or Reply To address, either manually or with spam software, so never assume an email is real by looking at its header. You might be able to spot fake addresses by checking for domain name misspellings, but this isn’t foolproof. Some email service providers combat the problem of spoofed addresses by using authentication techniques to verify a sender’s integrity.

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