Articles About Technology, Security and Events

HIPAA Certified Technicians

If you allow people to work on your computer or network that are not HIPAA certified, then you are not in compliance with the current HIPAA federal regulations. We can help you get in compliance with the right virus protection, business class routers with built in firewalls and the right network security protocols to get you in compliance right away. All of our techs are professionally background checked and have been with us for years.

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Business IT Headaches

We get calls from businesses everyday that are in a bind and need help now! Their current tech guy did not mean to fail them, but he just can’t get there to help at a reasonable time. Many times they lack the knowledge to help you, this is where we come in.

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Business Support

Has your business grown to the point where you need to find reliable and local tech support? Are you at the point that you need someone to maintain your systems? If so, give us a call!

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